Exogenous Ketone Supplement Powder

Many of you have been inquiring regarding which exo ketone supplement we would recommend.  While our proprietary blend LEVERAGE AM formula is in development, for the time being our choice is KetoFast.  It was successfully utilized during the DILF DIET™ initial research and testing, and the price point did not break the bank.

KetoFast™ is available on AmazonSmile here.  For those of you unfamiliar with AmazonSmile, we strongly recommend that you utilize this wonderful feature Amazon offers. It is an easy way to support your charitable organization through purchasing items on Amazon, and in turn Amazon would donate 0.5% of the purchase price to a charity of your choice.

DILF DIET™ has chosen to support The Charlie Foundation for Ketogenic Therapies and we encourage you to do the same.  The wealth of information and education you can find on their website is outstanding, and the help they have provided over the years to many a client in need is truly admirable.  As you are well aware, ketogenic dietary guidelines are an essential part of the DILF DIETthree-prong approach to getting fit, staying healthy and increasing longevity.  Together with Intermittent Fasting and Outdoor Running, they form the three spokes of the DILF DIET™ fitness wheel.

Ripe for disruption

I have always had great respect for Sir Richard Branson, and that respect went up a notch after reading a brief article on CNBC.

The statements he made in that interview struck a chord, as they truly fit my idea of starting a business and growing it to a worldwide renown.  Mr. Branson speaks of positively impacting people’s lives and improving a product or service, so that it benefits the consumer.

If you think that the bottom line is the most important thing when starting a business, that chasing money for money’s sake is enough of a motivation to succeed in the business world, think again. Instead, Mr. Branson identifies purpose, passion and drive as the key factors that will take you over the finish line.

The billionaire serial entrepreneur is always on the lookout for a new industry ripe for disruption, as the status quo seldom benefits the consumer.

How about the multi billion dollar health and fitness in general and fad diets in particular?  I’d say the odds are stacked against the consumers. Period. Full stop.

Take a look at the multi-level marketing “health” products sector, the overpriced gym memberships and personal trainers, the latest and greatest fad diets and biohacks and you get a clear picture of the consumers’ disadvantage.  In my humble opinion, this is an industry ripe for disruption. Ready for a rude awakening?  You don’t need a gym membership to be fit.  You don’t need the plethora of detox-schmetox teas, supplements and snake oils certain Ponzi schemes are pushing all over Instagram.  You don’t need to wear the latest breakthrough in scientific research on your feet or the most advanced Olympic track and field suit on your body.  All you need is this:

  1. Go Running each and every morning.   Was I ever a runner?  Heck no! I have bad knees from years of martial arts abuse.  I did about a decade of Hapkido in my youth and my knees took quite a bit of strain.  Never thought I would be able to run, but I now put in my 3 miles daily, every morning at sunrise.  How do I feel? Fantastic!
  2. Accustom yourself to Intermittent Fasting.  After you get used to it only after a few short weeks, you would reap the lifelong benefits of eating on a strictly timed regimen, allowing your body to fully digest and absorb all nutrients ffrom your food.  Do a 24 hour fast once a week, six 16 hour fasts the rest of the days.
  3. Follow a Ketogenic Diet until you reach your target fitness level.  The fastest way to burn the stored fat in your body is through ketosis.  No other method will give you immediate results as being in a ketogenic state.  Is it possible to lose weight utilizing other nutritional guidelines? Absolutely.  But I am sharing my experience and what allowed me to lose 28lbs in 28 days.

The three spokes of the DILF DIET wheel – Running, Intermittent Fasting and a Ketogenic Diet – Lose 28lbs in 28 Days™


Stacking paper in the Calories Bank

Have I really changed my lifestyle since getting on the DILF DIET and loosing 28lbs in 28 days?  Well, not really.  Instead, I have altered my existing wining and dining habits to conform to the dietary guidelines as much as possible.  And I have been running my ass off.

the forge

Here are a few things about me that would help you understand the background of what I am referring to.  I love the good life.  If I had it my way, my wife and I would be globetrotting from one top lounge to another ad infinitum.  Hitting The Forge on a Friday in Miami, listening to a DJ set at Hotel Costes on a Saturday in Paris, enjoying an aperitif at Hotel de Crillon on a Sunday.  The only thing that compares, to me, is the gambling tables of my youth.  I get great satisfaction in dressing up and going out, spending the evening in the company of the love of my life.  So here is how I have learned to have my cake and eat it too:

I opened an account in the Calories Bank.  Figuratively.  It is a way for me to track how many calories I have accumulated in my savings account by running daily and doing kettlebells every other day.  My Nike+ Apple Watch tracks my calories burned, and the calories are deposited in my account.  I run to the tunes of my favorite lounge compilations as well, keeping in mind that I am putting up with the pain, discomfort and sweat now, so that I could show my face in public later on in the week.  If I know I will be going out with friends for drinks, I make sure I put in extra miles under my belt.


Think of calories spent in terms of money saved – without making the money and depositing it into your account, you would not be able to afford a nice dinner and drinks.  No credit cards in the calories game, unfortunately.

What helps you stay on track?

Running = The Fountain of Youth

As I conduct my research for The DILF DIET: Lose 28lbs in 28 Days™ I come upon quite a few very interesting scientific studies. One such research paper, “Running as a Key Lifestyle Medicine for Longevity” by Duck-chulLeeaAngelique G.BrellenthinaPaul D.ThompsonbXuemeiSuicI-MinLeedCarl J.Laviee is a real eye opener.  

So why run? Well, first and foremost – you don’t need an expensive gym membership, fancy equipment, extra time, etc.  Just hit the streets and run.  I realize that many of you live up north and in the winter months it is a physical impossibility to run outdoors.  But for the rest of us, even in the cooler days, an early morning run would work just fine.

While I was in the process of compiling various ways of getting fit quick, at the very onset of my research into the DILF DIET, I spoke to a client of mine.  He is in his late seventies, tough as a door nail and fit as a jock teenager.  His story inspired me to run.  Ever since he had come back from his service in Vietnam, he had run 5 miles a day and done 100 pushups in a minute.  Yes, you read correctly – 100 push ups within a minute, and yes 5 miles daily.  I found it very motivating and inspiring.  The push up part is a work in progress, but the Marines 5 a Day, I thought I could handle that.  I have now reduced the 5 to 3 a day, as my family duties press me for time, but 3 is better than 0, all day, every day.

In a nutshell

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Ivy Stanev


The DILF DIET™ is a hybrid diet/lifestyle regimen, integrating a full time ketogenic diet with daily intermittent fasting and daily outdoor running.  The combined effects of the daily intermittent fasting and using fat as the primary source of energy for the duration of the diet are further leveraged by the use of a proprietary blend nutrient shots twice daily.

LEVERAGE AM™ – 1 tbsp Exogenous Ketones, Multivitamin Dietary Supplement

LEVERAGE PM™ – 1 tbsp MCT Oil, 1 tbsp Coconut Oil, Multivitamin Dietary Supplement

16/8 Fasting/Feeding Regimen – 16 hour fasting window, 8 hour feeding window.

4:1 Fat:Protein Ratio, Less than 28g of Net Carbs per day

7:00 AM – RUN – 30 minutes DAILY.  Increase running time to speed up weight loss.

8:00 AM – drink LEVERAGE AM™

12:00 PM – FEED 1 – Primary Meal, 1000 Cal. Cheese, Eggs, Avocado, Bacon, Fish, Chicken, Meat.

3:00 PM – FEED 2 – Snack, 150 Cal. Macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, Walnuts, Whisps.

6:00 PM – FEED 3 – Secondary Meal, 350 Cal. Cheese, Meat, Avocado, 85% ChocZero for dessert.

8:00 PM – drink LEVERAGE PM™, 250 Cal.


The importance of following a rigid time-restricted feeding regimen cannot be overstated.


Start with a Sunday cheat brunch, enjoying your favorite foods and beverages, finishing by 12:00PM.  Fast for the next 24 hours.  Make sure you hydrate regularly, drinking at least 16 cups of water each day.  Fast the same way the following three Sundays as well.  When preparing your meals, keep in mind that you can have up to 28 grams of Net Carbohydrates each day.  Choose wisely!  Your goal is to get into ketosis as soon as possible and remain in a ketogenic state for the duration of the diet.


You must drink 16 cups of water every day.  Set reminders to hydrate on your phone.


My new favorite toy – Apple Watch Series 3 Nike+

So here it is friends and neighbors – my very first Apple Watch, and the Limited Edition Nike+ version at that.  It took me quite a bit of time to jump on the wearables bandwagon, mainly because I couldn’t care less about fitness, etc.  But now that I have been able to reset my mindset with the DILF DIET and I do care about macros, calorie expenditure and daily exercise goals, I felt that it is time to invest in a device to help me on my fitness journey of self discovery.

My wife thought that it would be an appropriate gift this Holiday Season, and I am now wearing it exclusively, retiring my other watches until further notice. So what have I been able to use it for so far?

  • Since I received the GPS + LTE version, I no longer take my mobile phone on my runs.  If I receive a phone call while I am out and about, I am able to answer and communicate through the watch alone, no phone required.
  • My music is very important to me while I run, and I am able to sync a playlist on my Apple Watch to listen to while running through my wireless Bluetooth earphones, again no cell phone required.
  • Usually, I have been using MapMyRun, but since the Apple Watch Nike+ comes with the Nike Run Club app, I have switched to that.  Pros and Cons – it works just fine for me, I can live with either or.
  • Messages – I am now able to send/receive messages while out for a run, not that people are lining up to text me at sunrise.  I do have friends and family overseas and across the States at different time zones, so once in awhile I would speak a response to a text I had received.  There is no keyboard to type, however Siri is great in typing up what I dictate, even if my accent is not the most proper.
  • Calorie Tracking – the Activity MOVE Circle tracks how many calories I have expended throughout the day.  The pedometer inside the watch gives me an account of how many steps I have taken.  You can set a daily goal in terms of calories, depending on your fitness aspirations.

Very pleased with it so far, I will keep you posted as I discover new ways to utilize it to assist me on my journey.


Rossella’s Kitchen – Filet Mignon with Gorgonzola and Walnuts

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My cheat meal once a week usually involves a filet mignon.  I have done my share of globetrotting over the years, searching for the best filet mignon, among other things.  Imagine my utmost surprise when I found the most phenomenal, authentic Italian family recipe,  last night, right here in SoBe!  Rossella’s Kitchen, located on Washington and 1st, in the heart of South Beach in Miami, really did a number on my test buds.  Rossella herself came in to great us, and upon hearing that I am on keto, she grinned a Mona Lisa smile, saying she has the perfect meal for me.  An Italian restaurant having a keto-friendly meal? Really?!  So imagine my surprise when she brought me a perfectly cooked filet mignon, topped with melted gorgonzola and walnuts.  I am here to tell you, this is the only way I will have my filet mignon going forward – what a mouth-watering combination of tastes, textures and aromas, and keto-compliant to boot.  If you find yourself in Miami and are in search of authentic Italian cuisine, I highly recommend you visit Rossella’s and experience her extraordinary culinary skills first hand.  Based on secret family recipes from three generations of successful restauranteurs, Rossella offers a genuine glimpse of true Italian food and culture, topped with heartwarming hospitality.  My wife had the lobster ravioli, and she was blown away, highly recommended it as well.

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